Imports tweets of your articles and either displays them as comments or separately.
2. Tweet Stats
Works in conjunction with TweetBacks and adds two widgets: “Most Tweeted Posts” and “Recently Tweeted Posts”. It can also import old tweets.
3. Automagic Twitter Profile URI
Adds a new field next to the comment fields so you can enter your Twitter username which is then linked to your Twitter profile.
4. Tweet This
A digg-style button that allows anyone to tweet your blog posts. It uses url shortening services like TintURL and and is highly configurable. It includes other social bookmarking websites like Plurk, Yahoo Buzz, Delicious, Digg,, Reddit and StumbleUpon.
Allows users to tweet their comments and it also includes the url of the blog post.
Allows you to store tweets in your blog's database, it can create an article out of every tweet or tweets organized by days or weeks and promotes articles on Twitter, including their links. It also allows you to post on Twitter from your blog's sidebar or admin panel. It is also possible to integrate other services through APIs, like hellotxt.
7. TweetSuite
8. TwitCapt
Allows your visitors to promote your blog with personalized RTs. You can set an option so that the users will follow up to 5 different people, which is a great way to increase your Twitter followers. It can also say "Thanks" to those that post a RT.