Search Cloudlet for Google, Yahoo and Twitter is a Firefox extension that was updated recently which inserts smart tag clouds into Google / Yahoo / Twitter interface to help you search faster.
The functionality is the same as what you get when you search Google or Yahoo. Installing the extension in Firefox (works from version 2.0 up to 3.1 beta 3) enhances Twitter Search, which is increasingly being integrated into the main Twitter interface, in the sense that it inserts a tag cloud based on queries on top of the regular results. Clicking tags filters the results down, and you can do the same for authors (based on Twitter handles) and @To messages, meaning replies to other users. It’s quite easy to turn off and never gets in your way, so it’s definitely a great addition if you search Twitter conversations on a regular basis.
Site Cloud view suggests sites which contain the most relevant information about your search subject. The most important websites are shown with bigger font. To narrow your search to a specific web-site - just click it and it will be added to your query.
Search Cloudlet offers full organic integration of cloud-based navigation into all Twitter functionality. After installing Search Cloudlet, users get tag clouds inserted into their Twitter home-pages, search pages, profile pages, favorites and even into public timeline. Also, on top of traditional simple tag clouds, Cloudlet adds various context-sensitive clouds, such as Author Clouds, Recipient Clouds and Hashtag Clouds.
If you want to work some time with classical Google / Yahoo / Twitter results list without clouds - just click the "Off" button. You can bring back your clouds anytime you want - simply click Tags, Sites or any other button on the Cloudlet's panel