SPKiller is a similar application to Windows Process Blocker that sits quietly on a timer thread in the background, stopping and killing any service and/or process that you specify in the SPKPreferences.xml file every n milliseconds. Very handy for things you just can’t seem to get rid of - AdobeUpdater, GoogleToolbarNotifier, AppleMobileDeviceService, etc, etc.
The installation will simply place the files of the program in a directory on the computer’s hard drive. The user has to click on InstallService.bat to install the Windows Service. After that the Service needs to be started in the Windows Services Overview.
The Windows Process and Services blocker is configured with a simply XML file that is located in the program’s installation directory. The configuration is not more complicated than editing a text document. It is made up of three sections that are of importance to the user. The first is called CycleTime and defines the interval in milliseconds that the running services and processes are checked. ServiceNames contains a list of Windows Services that should be blocked if running while ProcessNames does the same for Windows processes.
The SPKPreferences.xml is preconfigured with several services and processes that can prove to be performance drains, or just annoying in general. Modify this file to suit your needs.