Social Media Metrics Plugin for Google Anayltics is a Greasemonkey script will retrieve the Digg, Sphinn, Mixx, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Yahoo inLinks count of a page (post) and display it to you on the Content Detail report of your Google Analytics console.
Also, the icons are interactive, meaning that if you had zero diggs you could click the digg icon and it will automatically take you to the digg submission page.
This is a really nice addition to Google Analytics and if you often use social media websites such as the ones above, you're going to love this little Greasemonkey script.
Also, the icons are interactive, meaning that if you had zero diggs you could click the digg icon and it will automatically take you to the digg submission page.
This is a really nice addition to Google Analytics and if you often use social media websites such as the ones above, you're going to love this little Greasemonkey script.