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sK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand which just had it's first public release a few days ago.

First of all sK1 is oriented for "prepress ready" PostScript & PDF output.

The major sK1 features:

  • CMYK colorspace support
  • CMYK support in Postscript
  • Cairo-based engine
  • Color managment
  • Universal CDR importer (7-X3 versions)
  • Modern Ttk based (former Tile widgets) user interface

sK1 screenshots

You can download sK1 from here. Unfortunately the latest version only comes with source packages and a Mandriva 2008 rpm package (there are Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE packages too, but for an older version of sK1 - you can try them anyway if you want).

To install the latest version of sK1, download the source, extract it, navigate to it's folder using the terminal and write this in the terminal:
python setup.py install
(will be installed into Python site-packages/ directory)

To create binary RPM distribution:
python setup.py bdist_rpm
To create deb package just use alien command (i.e. rpm2deb)

I might create a .deb file sometimes these days if I don't forget.

Update: now there are also pre-build packaages available for Ubuntu 9.04 and Mandriva. Check out the sK1 website!