Have a guilty pleasure on the internet? Don't want your friends knowing that you've been spending time reading up on celebrity gossip at TMZ, looking at adorable pictures of bunnies at Cute Overload, or umm, you know, other sites? HistroyBlock is a Firefox extension that lets you create a blacklist of sites that will never show up in your browser history.
Now, you're not going to want to get carried away here. It's actually handy to have some of your most frequently visited sites in your history, as Firefox will make it much easier to find these sites in the future. For instance, when I type just the letter "d" into my location bar, Download Squad is the first option that pops up, and that wouldn't happen if Firefox weren't tracking my usage of the site.
While HistoryBlock will keep pages out of your history tab, recently closed list, and download manager, it won't necessarily prevent any and all cookies and other data from being saved. For that, you'll probably want to use the private browsing mode in Firefox or another web browser.
Now, you're not going to want to get carried away here. It's actually handy to have some of your most frequently visited sites in your history, as Firefox will make it much easier to find these sites in the future. For instance, when I type just the letter "d" into my location bar, Download Squad is the first option that pops up, and that wouldn't happen if Firefox weren't tracking my usage of the site.
While HistoryBlock will keep pages out of your history tab, recently closed list, and download manager, it won't necessarily prevent any and all cookies and other data from being saved. For that, you'll probably want to use the private browsing mode in Firefox or another web browser.
[via TechnoSpot & Download Squad]