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Caffeine is a Gnome applet which basically prevents your computer's screensaver and power saving to activate. The applet works simple but effective: a coffee-cup will be displayed and when you click it, the coffee-cup fills up and keeps your computer from going to sleep.

Caffeine in activated state

Caffeine in deactivated state

Imagine that you’re giving a presentation. The room is illuminated only by the blue glow of the projector, displaying your slides on the screen behind you. You linger on a particularly crucial slide, carefully explaining the subtleties to your mesmerized audience. Several minutes pass, and just as you are about deliver the stunning conclusion, the projector goes dark, displaying only a tiny “No Signal” message in the bottom corner.

But that's not all: Caffeine can automatically start prevent the screensaver and power saving when playing a game, watching a flash video in Firefox (YouTube, Hulu, etc) and even while playing Quake Live.

Installing Caffeine in Ubuntu

You can either add the Caffeine PPA repository and install it from there, or download the .deb files:

-For Ubuntu Jaunty:
sudo bash -c "echo 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/caffeine-developers/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 569113AE
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install caffeine
Or download the .deb file: caffeine_1.0-0ubuntu0~ppa14~jaunty_all.deb

-For Ubuntu Karmic Koala:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:caffeine-developers/caffeine-dev

Or download the .deb file: caffeine_1.0-0ubuntu0~ppa14~karmic_all.deb

Other Linux distributions: download the source files.

After installing Caffeine, right click a Gnome panel, select "Add to panel" and add Caffeine.

More info about Caffeine for Linux

[Image credits: Caffeine wiki]