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netvibes wasabi

The next version of Netvibes is morphing into a stream reader which will consolidate news feeds, blogs, Twitter and Facebook streams, e-mail and much more.

This version, dubbed Wasabi, will become available early next week in a private beta, but you can start signing up for it now on the Netvibes Wasabi website.

There are no invitations to hand out, but registering you should get one really soon. Here's what they say about this: "We're sending out invitation code progressively, so be patient. An invitation code can only be used once."

In addition to the traditional widget view, Wasabi now also has a "smart reader" viewm where all the feeds and widgets you subscribe to are presented together in one column, updated in reverse chronological order.

It looks almost like Google Reader, except that Netvibes will support more than just RSS feeds. You can import your Twitter and Facebook streams, as well as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Flickr photos, weather widgets, stock widgets, and any other service that has a stream.

Netvibes will also be supporting both the Pubsubhubbub (PuSH), which also launched at the Realtime CrunchUp, and RSSCloud standards aimed at eliminating the lag time inherent in RSS and Atom feeds.