Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

In this week's hive five post, it's time to see which Linux music player WebUpd8 readers consider to be the best.

The contenders are: MPD (and all MPD clients - we will probably have a separate poll to vote for the best MPD client some other time), Amarok, Rhythmbox, Exaile and Banshee.

There are way too many good music players but we had to pick only 5. The selection made is subjective but you can vote for music players not in the list by selecting "Other answer" and entering the music player which you find to be the best.

Other amazing music players (not counting MPD clients which are included with MPD in the poll): Listen Music Player, Goggles Music Manager, Guayadeque, Audacious, Xmms, gMusicBrowser, Songbird, qmmp, Jajuk, aTunes, even VLC and so on (waaay to many).

The poll:

As usual, don't forget to let us know (in the comments) why you like a certain Linux music player as well as suggest some we might not know of.