Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

You asked for it so here it is: a post with 7 of the best Ubuntu terminal (fixed width or monospace) fonts. I say 'Ubuntu' because the installation instruction for most of these fonts are for Ubuntu.

Some fonts in this post were your suggestions from the What Font To Use For Your Ubuntu Desktop? Try These! comments.

1. Inconsolata

Inconsolata font

Inconsolata: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison

Install it in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ttf-inconsolata

2. Envy Code R

Envy Code R font

Envy Code R: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison


3. Droid Sans Mono

Droid Sans Mono font

Droid Sans Mono: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison

Install it in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ttf-droid

4. Anonymous Pro

Anonymous Pro

Anonymous Pro: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison


5. DejaVu Sans Mono

DejaVu Sans Mono font

DejaVu Sans Mono: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison

Install it in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ttf-dejavu

6. Liberation Mono

Liberation Mono font

Liberation Mono: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison

Install it in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ttf-liberation

7. Terminus

Terminus font

Terminus: O0 1Il B8 ,. comparison

Install it in Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install xfonts-terminus console-terminus

What font do you use for your terminal / coding? Let us know in the comments!