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In case you don't know, Lubuntu is using LXDE and is designed for computers running old hardware or netbooks.

Lubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, the unoficial LXDE flavor of Ubuntu got an artwork update last week. I'm posting this only now because I had some issues downloading the latest Lubuntu development ISO.

Almost every element of the Lubuntu arwork was updated: backgrounds (panel and menu), the Openbox theme, Lubuntu menu logo, splash images (LXDM and logout dialog banner) and wallpaper.

There are no changes to the Live CD artwork because these changes are only available for those who are using the Lubuntu Desktop PPA (comes enabled by default in Lubuntu). All these should be available in the next Lubuntu 10.10 Alpha release (Alpha 3).

New Lubuntu (Ubuntu w/ LXDE) 10.10 Maverick Meerkat artwork screenshots

Lubuntu 10.10 LXDM login screen
LXDM login screen

Lubuntu new wallpaper
Lubuntu 10.10 new wallpaper

Logout dialog
Logout dialog

New panel background and menu logo
New panel background and Lubuntu menu logo

Lubuntu new default Openbox theme
The new default Openbox theme

Lubuntu Openbox theme
The new default Openbox theme

The icons didn't change: the Elementary monochrome icons are still default.

The Lubuntu Plymouth theme also remains unchanged for now, but it should soon look to something like this:

Lubuntu 10.10 Plymouth theme (mockup)

If you want to try out the latest Lubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat Alpha 2, download the ISO via Bittorrent.