The well known Faenza Icon theme was updated today (version 0.8), bringing icons for some applications which were missing such as: adobe air, deadbeef, devede, devhelp, dia, facebook, flickr, frostwire, glade, gnucash, gnumeric, homebank, jdownloader, kupfer, netbeans, openbravo, openerp, openshot, phatch, picasa, qtcreator, radiotray, soundconverter, terminator, vim, wordpress, wxbanker, xbmc and xournal.
But that's not all. The latest Faenza 0.8 also brings reworked icons for Gwibber, Firefox, Chromium and Google Chrome, a whole new set of emblems and weather icons and new monochromatic icons for applications.
Ubuntu users can install Faenza Icon theme using a PPA (available for Ubuntu Karmic, Lucid and Maverick):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme
You can also install the folowing packages:
- "faenza-icons-mono" to replace 22x22 squared icons for Deluge, Exaile, Fusion Icon, iBus and Kupfer by their monochromatic versions
- "faenza-extras" or "faenza-dark-extras" to override some icons displayed in system tray by Faenza monochromatic ones. This affects Liferea, LastFM and RadioTray.
If you're not using Ubuntu, you can download Faenza Icon Theme via