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Avant Window Navigator Cardapio

Cardapio is a simple menu for the GNOME desktop that comes with a lot of useful plugins. It can launch applications, run a command, pin items, search through your Firefox bookmarks or Ubuntu Software Center, includes a file search and full text search and more.

After getting a Docky helper two weeks ago, an update today brings a Cardapio Avant Window Navigator applet too so you can finally use Cardapio like any other AWN applet (it was previously possible to use Cardapio in AWN by using a small "hack").

Install Cardapio Avant Window Navigator applet:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cardapio-team/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cardapio cardapio-awn

If you've already had Cardapio installed, make sure to upgrade to the latest version before installing the AWN applet.

Thanks to Thiago for the tip!