Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

Dropbox Share

Today I'm releasing a new version of the Dropbox Share Nautilus script. There's only one new feature in this version (which was asked in the comments of our previous Dropbox Share post): the emblems for the files you've previously shared and then manually removed from the Dropbox Public folder are now automatically removed when you perform a new share / unshare.

Here is an example: let's say you have files A and B on your desktop and you share them using Dropbox Share - in this case, an emblem (small Dropbox icon) is added to these files on your desktop so you know they have been shared. Then, if you right click file A on your desktop and select "Dropbox Unshare", the file is unshared and the emblem is removed, but if you remove file B from your Dropbox Public folder without using the Unshare script, file B on your desktop would still have the emblem. The new version released today fixes this in a semi-automatic way: now if you manually delete file B from your Dropbox Public folder, the next time you'll share on unshare a file using Dropbox Share, the emblems for all the files you've manually removed from the Dropbox Public folder will be removed.

If that doesn't make too much sense, just try out the latest Dropbox Share and you'll see what I mean.

To install the latest Dropbox Share 0.3 in Ubuntu, use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dropbox-share

If you spot a bug, report it @ Launchpad.