Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.

VLC 1.1.6

VLC 1.1.6 was released yesterday, bringing security fixes and many improvements. Here's the complete VLC 1.1.6 changelog:
  • Security updates in codecs and demuxers
  • Support for RTP/PCM 24bits, audio/L24
  • Faster Webm/VP8 decoding
  • Major updates in most language translations
  • KDE and PulseAudio integration improvements
  • Subtitles fixes and improvements
  • Improvements in visualisations and interfaces
  • Codecs updates
  • Many miscellaneous fixes

As usual, Roberto @ LFFL has uploaded the latest VLC 1.1.6 in his VLC PPA (available for Ubuntu Maverick only!) so install it using the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/vlc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc mozilla-plugin-vlc

Thanks to Roberto for the news and PPA