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Recent Notifications applet

Recent Notifications is a GNOME applet that collects recent messages sent with libnotifiy to a notification daemon, such as notify-osd.

Just one day after we wrote about the Recent Notifications applet, it got a cool new feature but we never got to write about it because of the many news that came up this week.

The feature I'm talking about is an option to blacklist applications within the applet. For example if you get a lot of notifications in Pidgin, simply right click a Pidgin notification in Recent Notifications and select "Blacklist Pidgin" - the same goes for any application. If you want to remove an application from the blacklist, right click the Recent Notifications applet and uncheck the app you want to remove from the "Blacklist" tab:

Recent notifications applet

But that's not all; the applet got no less then 8 updates since our post last week. Most of them were bug fixes, but there are also a few other minor features that were introduced, like debug messages or set the message limit.

If you didn't try Recent Notifications applet already, you really should! Add the Recent Notifications PPA and install the applet in Ubuntu using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jconti/recent-notifications
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install recent-notifications

Update: to get an AppIndicator (required for newer Ubuntu versions), also install the following package:
sudo apt-get install indicator-notifications