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PDF Mod is a great application for editing PDF documents which can be used to remove or add pages to existing PDF files, export images, rotate, reorder, edit the metadata (subject, title, author) and so on.

Sure, there are some more powerful command line tools like pdftk but not everybody enjoys the command line so if you want a GUI for this, try PDF Mod.

PDFMod is really easy to use: when you open a PDF, all the pages are displayed in a grid and you can for instance open a second PDF file and drag and drop some pages from one PDF document to another. Right clicking a page lets you remove, rotate, extract it or export the image (if available). You can of course edit multiple pages at once by selecting them the usual way (holding down the Control key) or even select all odd / even pages as well as based on a matching pattern.

PDF Mod 0.9 which has been released earlier this month (and so it's not available in the official Ubuntu repositories but there's a PPA for it!) comes with a cool new feature: bookmark editing (outlines):


The new version also fixes some important bugs and brings improved speed (removing many pages is a lot faster now).

Install PDF Mod in Ubuntu

PDF Mod is available in the official Ubuntu repositories but to get the latest version you must use the PDF Mod Ubuntu PPA. 

Add the PPA and install PDF Mod 0.9 in Ubuntu using the commands below (or add the PPA using a GUI tool like Y PPA Manager and then install it from the Ubuntu Software Center):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pdfmod-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pdfmod

Also see: Highlight Text Or Annotate PDF Files In Ubuntu With Xournal

Do you use PDF Mod to edit PDF documents? Or maybe you know some better GUI tool for modifying PDF files? Let us know in the comments!