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It appears that SkiesOfAzel, the Orta theme developer was contacted by a LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) developer to create a similar theme for LMDE and the initial result can already be tested (not just on LMDE - you can use it on any Linux distribution obviously). If you thought Orta is amazing, wait until you see the new Minty Freshness (that's the name of the new Orta modified for LMDE):

Minty Freshness

The result, even though shares a lot of similarities with Orta, it "uses a lot less pixmaps and lets murrine do its thing" says SkiesOfAzel.

The theme is still work in progress so there is no configuration tool like for the original Orta (so you can't modify how the tabs look, change the panel color and so on) but it looks great already!

Install Minty Freshness

Minty Freshness Orta

Just because the theme was created for Linux Mint Debian Edition, it doesn't mean it won't work in other Linux Distributions. Simply follow the installation steps below.

To install Minty Freshness, you'll need to get it via GIT as it's not available in any repository yet.

1. Install GIT:

sudo apt-get install git-core

2. Download Minty Freshness via GIT:

git clone http://github.com/SkiesOfAzel/mint-x-theme.git

3. Install the theme - you can install it either system-wide (available for all users - including applications you open as root, or for your own user only):

- system-wide:
sudo cp -r mint-x-theme/usr/share/themes/Minty-Freshness /usr/share/themes/

- your user only:
cp -r mint-x-theme/usr/share/themes/Minty-Freshness ~/.themes/

Update: Minty Freshness is now available in the WebUpd8 themes PPA.

Thanks to LinuxMint Life for the news; Second screenshot credits: SkiesOfAzel