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Unity launcher quicklists editor

Update: Ubuntu Tweak now supports editing quicklists.

The Unity launcher has a cool feature called "quicklists" that allows you to quickly access commonly used tasks for a specific application. Here's an example (also see the screenshot above):

Unity Quicklists Nautilus

Creating quicklists for an application is not very hard but it involves creating or editing a .desktop file manually which some may find a bit difficult. But it's now a lot easier to edit / create quicklists thanks to Quicklist Editor for Unity Launcher (yeah, that's its name, at least for now).

How to download and use Quicklist Editor for Unity Launcher

There's no PPA for "Quicklist Editor for Unity Launcher" yet, however you don't need to compile anything because it's written in Python. To download it, run the commands below:
sudo apt-get install bzr
bzr branch lp:unity-launcher-editor

Then, to launch it, go to your home folder and you should find a folder called "unity-launcher-editor" - inside this folder you'll find another folder "unitylaunchereditor" where you must double click the file called "main.py". Don't launch it from the command line (python main.py) because for some reason, adding quicklists won't work!

Then start creating quicklists for any application you want. If the quicklists don't show up after saving the changes, log out or restart Unity (press ALT + F2 and enter: "unity").

Tip: to find out what command you need to use to launch a particular feature for some application, use the "APPLICATION --help" or "man APPLICATION" commands.

If you find a bug in "Quicklist Editor for Unity Launcher", report it @ Launchpad.

Update: Ubuntu Tweak now supports editing quicklists.

Quicklist Editor for Unity Launcher via Ubuntu Life & Novatillasku.com (many thanks as usual!)