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Dropbox Share is now available for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. This is a tool I've created a while back to easily share files or folders using Dropbox and automatically copy their public links to the clipboard.

Dropbox Share comes with a custom Unity launcher as well as two Nautilus scripts (so you don't have to use Unity to run Dropbox Share):

- custom Unity launcher (works with docks too!): just drag and drop some file(s) or folder(s) onto the launcher and a simbolic link is created into your public Dropbox folder (and thus, it doesn't use the double amount of disk space like it would do if you'd copy the files). The public share links are automatically copied to the clipboard so you can easily share it with your friends, etc:

Unity Dropbox Share

- Two Nautilus scripts to share and unshare files - they work just like the Unity launcher, but work in Nautilus and don't require Unity or a dock:

Dropbox Share

Further more, Dropbox Share also adds an emblem to the shared files so you know which files you've shared. And even if you remove a file manually (without using the unshare script) from your public Dropbox folder, the emblems will be correctly updated the next time you share a file thanks to a history of shared files that's built into Dropbox Share.

Also, like I said, Unity Dropbox Share also works with docks such as Avant Window Navigator, Cairo Dock or Docky - just drag the icon to the dock and then drag and drop files to share them using Dropbox. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with DockBarX.

Besides Ubuntu Oneiric support, the latest Dropbox Share 0.5.5 also comes with a new feature: Unity quicklist to re-copy the URL for the last shared file as well as bug fixes.

Here are two old videos demoing Dropbox Share:

- Dropbox Share Nautilus scripts:

- Unity Dropbox Share (Unity launcher):

Install Dropbox Share in Ubuntu

Before proceeding, make sure you've installed Dropbox!

1. Dropbox Share is available in the main WebUpd8 PPA, for Ubuntu 11.10, 11.04, 10.10 and 10.04. Add the PPA and update the software sources using the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update


Now, install Dropbox Share (Nautilus scripts):
sudo apt-get install dropbox-share

To also install Unity Dropbox Share (custom Unity launcher), use the following command:
sudo apt-get install unity-dropbox-share

The Unity Dropbox Share icon isn't automatically added to your Unity launcher so you'll have to add it manually it: open Nautilus and navigate to /opt/unity-dropbox-share/, then drag and drop the icon to the Unity launcher or Cairo Dock, AWN, Docky, etc.

Now you can share files or folders using Dropbox by right clicking in Nautilus and selecting Scripts > Dropbox Share or by drag'n'drop onto the custom launcher.

Install Dropbox Share in Fedora

Please note that the emblems do not work in Fedora 15 due to a bug in Nautilus 3 which doesn't read file emblems from metadata (the bug has been fixed in Nautilus 3.1.92 which is in Oneiric).

You firstly need to install Dropbox (obviously)!

1. Install the required dependencies:
sudo yum install libnotify xclip xautomation gvfs libsqlite3x python bzr

2. Download and install Dropbox Share:
bzr branch lp:dropbox-share
sudo cp dropbox-share/bin/* /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/{dropbox-index,openpublicfolder,recopy-url,unity-dropbox-share}
mkdir -p ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts
cp dropbox-share/{"Dropbox Share","Dropbox Unshare"} ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/
sudo mkdir -p /opt/unity-dropbox-share
sudo cp dropbox-share/etc/* /opt/unity-dropbox-share
rm -r dropbox-share

If you want to use the Dropbox Share launcher in a dock such as AWN or Docky, open Nautilus and go to /opt/unity-dropbox-share and drag the Unity Dropbox Share icon onto a dock.

Now you can share files/folders using Dropbox by right clicking them in Nautilus and selecting Scripts > Dropbox Share or by drag'n'drop onto the custom launcher.

Report any bugs you may find @ Launchpad.