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unsettings disable global menu overlay scrollbars

Unsettings is an Unity tweak tool that comes with some unique features, like: disable the global menu and overlay scrollbars or easily add applications to the systray whitelist. Besides these, the application also comes with features found in other Unity tweaking tools such as changing the Unity launcher look and behaviour, change the theme (icons, GTK, Metacity or cursor) and fonts and more.

Configuration options available in Unsettings (for version 0.04):
  • Launcher look: change launcher size, opacity, visibility (always visible or autohide), autohide animation, reveal trigger, edge responsiveness, urgent animation, launcher animation, blacklight
  • Dash: set Dash size, blur, enable or disable apps available for download and recently used apps
  • Panel: set the opacity, enable / disable opaque if maximized, set the applications available in the systray whitelist
  • Change fonts, hinting and antialiasing
  • Windows: enable / disable overlay scrollbars, global menu, click to focus, auto raise (as well as the delay) and change automaximize value
  • Desktop: set the number of vertical and horizontal workspaces, show / hide various icons on the desktop like the home, computer, trash or network icon, configure the next monitor pressure (for multi-monitor setups)
  • Change GTK, Window, Icon and cursor themes.

Using Unsettings, the changes aren't applied immediately and you'll have to click the "Apply settings" button for this which is a good thing as it prevents accidental changes. Also, please note that changing some settings like enabling / disabling the global menu, overlay scrollbars and others, requires you log out and then log back in to see the changes.

Unsettings also comes with options to save and load saved profiles as well as to reset all the Unity settings to default (that's another unique feature, not found in other GUI tools). The reset settings to default feature, however, doesn't work correctly in version 0.04 (I've reported the bug HERE, hopefully it will be fixed soon), so do not use it for now. I'll update the post when the reset settings option works correctly. You can, of course, manually set everything back to the default settings.

Here are some more Unsettings screenshots (under Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin):

unsettings screenshot

unsettings screenshot

unsettings screenshot

unsettings screenshot

Install Unity tweaking tool Unsettings in Ubuntu

Update: Unsettings is now also available for Ubuntu 12.10.

Unsettings is a brand new tool so use it carefully! To add the Unsettings testing PPA and install it in Ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04, use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unsettings

Note: I've only tested it with Unity 3D (with Compiz).

If you encounter bugs, report them @ Launchpad!