Unity Window Quicklists is a python script that adds a feature to Unity which many Ubuntu users have requested: quicklists that let you switch between open windows of the same application.
Unity Window Quicklists displays a list of open windows as quicklists for each application on the Unity launcher, and you can use them to switch between those windows. The quicklists are dynamic, meaning that when a window is closed or a new window is open, the quicklists are instantly updated.
There are a couple of annoyances though. Firstly, the window titles aren't truncated so a window with a really long title will get a huge quicklist entry which can be a problem on small screens. And secondly, the Nautilus (home folder) quicklists won't be displayed anymore.
Install Unity Window Quicklists in Ubuntu 12.04 (for both Unity 2D and 3D)
To install Unity Window Quicklists in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, use the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:alanbell/unity
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity-window-quicklists
There's a bug with the autostart .desktop file and Unity Window Quicklists doesn't start automatically on login, so let's fix it:
sudo sed -i 's/OnlyShowIn=UNITY/OnlyShowIn=Unity/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/unity-window-quicklists.desktop
Now, log out and log back in, open 2 or more windows for the same application and right click its icon on the Unity launcher: the window titles should be displayed as quicklists and clicking them should switch between the windows.
Thanks to madjr for the tip! Via The Open Sourcerer