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I recently needed a tool to edit a Samsung TV channel list and I've tried a few tools but all were pretty buggy. I ended up using an application called SamToolBox which, even though it is a bit buggy and not very intuitive, gets the job done.

SamToolBox is available for Linux and Windows and it should work with all Samsung TVs that support extracting the channel list.

To be able to edit the channel list of a Samsung TV, use an USB stick to export the channel list from the TV (Channels > Transfer Channel List > Export to USB). Then, on your computer, open the exported .scm file in SamToolBox.

In SamToolBox, you'll find the channel list (if you're using cable) under "map-CableD" so double click it and a new tab should be displayed with all the available TV channels.

If you want to re-order the channel list (some Samsung "Smart" TVs don't allow sorting the channels directly on the TV), use cut/copy/paste, Ctrl + W to swap two channels or increase channel number using Ctrl + + and decrease the channel number using Ctrl + -.

I'm telling you this because at first I tried to change the channel number (first column) and that doesn't work as I thought it would: when using a number that's already assigned to another channel, that channel is removed instead of the channel numbers being swapped. Furthermore, trying to change the channel number sometimes crashes the application.

Once you're done editing the channels, save the file, copy it on an USB stick and import it in your Samsung TV (Channels > Transfer Channel List > Import from USB).

Download and use SamToolBox Samsung TV channel editor in Linux

If you're using 64bit, install the 32bit libqt4-gui using the command below (thanks to Michael for the info!) or else SamToolBox won't work:
sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui:i386

Next, download SamToolBox*, extract it and in the samtoolboxfolder there should be a single file called "samtoolbox" - right click this file, select Properties and on the Permissions tab, enable "Allow executing file as program". Then simply double click the "samtoolbox" file to launch the application.

* The SamToolBox Sourceforge page was removed, so the download link is an old binary I had on my computer.