- limit users' daily usage of the computer based on a time access duration and configure times of day when they can or cannot login;
- option to lock accounts;
- option to bypass restrictions for today;
- add time rewards / penalties;
- client functionality from the original Timekpr app changed to better inform user about time he has left
- Ubuntu AppIndicator / notifications.
The latest Timekpr-Revived 0.3.6, released recently, adds quite a few changes, including:
- UI ported to GTK3;
- speech synth implemented using python-espeak;
- added speech, first notification options and about menu;
- added Ubuntu 16.04 support (update: it now also works with Ubuntu 16.10 and 17.04);
- loginctl now filters only active users;
- Timekpr now uses DBUS for notifications where it's possible;
- various cleanup, fixes and reorganization of the project to make it more streamlined.
I should also mention that the Ubuntu AppIndicator only shows up after you restart the session (logout/login). From the indicator, you can see the time remaining (clicking "Time left..." in the indicator menu triggers a notification that displays the remaining time), option to enable/disable notifications as well as launch the Timekpr GUI:
Timekpr should work on most Ubuntu flavors, including Ubuntu with Unity, Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu. Kubuntu 16.04 is not currently supported, according to the Timekpr 0.3.6 release announcement.
Install Timekpr (Revived) In Ubuntu or Linux Mint Via PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mjasnik/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install timekpr
If you don't want to add the PPA, you can download the deb from HERE. For other Linux distributions, you can grab the code from Launchpad.Report any bugs you may find @ Launchpad.