Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will go back to using GNOME as the default desktop environment, instead of Unity.
While Mark doesn't explicitly says "GNOME Shell", I assume that's what he means, especially since Unity 7 has been in maintenance mode for quite a few Ubuntu releases.
"I took the view that, if convergence was the future and we could deliver it as free software, that would be widely appreciated both in the free software community and in the technology industry, where there is substantial frustration with the existing, closed, alternatives available to manufacturers. I was wrong on both counts.
In the community, our efforts were seen fragmentation not innovation. And industry has not rallied to the possibility, instead taking a ‘better the devil you know’ approach to those form factors, or investing in home-grown platforms. What the Unity8 team has delivered so far is beautiful, usable and solid, but I respect that markets, and community, ultimately decide which products grow and which disappear".
- Mark Shuttleworth
Check out the complete article HERE.
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